The experience as a television author for national broadcasters, the branded content marketing expertise with special reference to pharma video content, the partnerships with international institution for media education research purposes: all these are the pieces that compose my professional journey. Whether it is to develop an original idea or an integrated communication plan, I work with agencies and production companies as an advisor.

The experience as a television author for national broadcasters, the branded content marketing expertise with special reference to pharma video content, the partnerships with international institution for media education research purposes: all these are the pieces that compose my professional journey. Whether it is to develop an original idea or an integrated communication plan, I work with agencies and production companies as an advisor.



For any content to work, it has to be specifically calibrated on the goals and needs of a highly specialized reference target. The empathetic approach of (tailor-made) creative solutions makes AVs a means of entertainment, raised awareness, popular science and education about good practices.

The best strategic intentions are then interpreted through shooting and editing, using the language of television appropriately for the development of the project’s contents, offered in a “turnkey” fashion to be broadcasted through multimedia campaigns, digital ecosystems and editorial partners.

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Focus on: Artelac Ultra 4S, branded content farmaceutico per ingaggio KOL realizzato per Bausch+Lomb

B+L – FOCUS ON 4 – Mind map format for a KOL engagement campaign

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Magazine Gruppo DB Information Intimità

INTIMITÀ – Better living, sustainable living

Dario Nuzzo - Confidenze

CONFIDENZE – Real pet stories

Dario Nuzzo - Work - branded content pharma docufilm Future Seeds

BIOTEST-GRIFOLS – FUTURE SEEDS – Sustainability and healthcare awareness campaign docufilm

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Breasting News, focus giornalistico in branded content per ingaggio KOL realizzato per Roche

ROCHE – BREASTING NEWS – Scientific focus for a KOL engagement campaign

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Il parere dell'esperto sulla terapia inalatoria nella campagna per Chiesi Farmaceutici

CHIESI – BREATHE AND TALK – Scientific dissemination project with KOL engagement campaigns

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Webserie Medicom sul ritmo circadiano Notti In Bianco realizzata per Polifarma e disponibile a breve anche in formato web movie su Amazon Prime

POLIFARMA – SLEEPLESS NIGHTS – Disease awareness campaign webseries about circadian rhythm disorders

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Ingaggio KOL con interviste ad alta quota per sensibilizzare ai problemi della psoriasi con Alfasigma

ALFASIGMA – STEP BY STHEP – Scientific dissemination with KOL engagement campaigns

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Laboratori Educational realizzati al Parco Monumentale di Pinocchio a Collodi (PT) in occasione della Global Money Week per Banca d'Italia

BANCA D’ITALIA – Educational workshops on financial education

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Autore e conduttore di rubriche sui misteri di Roma per il programma Mediaset in onda su Italia 1 Mistero

MISTERO – Collaboration as author and host with columns for the Mediaset program broadcasted on Italia 1

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Format di tv-gaming on the road in onda su Mediaset La5 "Compagni di viaggio"

TRAVEL MATES – TV-game format aired on the Mediaset La5 channel in collaboration with Allianz

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Progetto audiovisivo di cartoon sonori realizzato per Saar Records

SAAR RECORDS – Audio-visual entertainment project for musical cartoons

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Seconda edizione della webserie Medicom con Vanessa Ferrari per IBSA

IBSA – TELL US YOUR STORY – Second part of the disease awareness campaign webseries with patient journeys

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Webserie on the road con ospite il pilota Gian Maria Gabbiani, realizzata per Nissan

NISSAN – REPORTER ON THE ROAD – Branded content webseries in collaboration with UEFA Champions League

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Articoli su cura dei pet, ambiente, consigli utili e curiosità nella rubrica Buono a Sapersi su OGGI

OGGI – Wellness and trivia columns and in-depth focuses for the whole family

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Sketchcom targata Medicom sull'aderenza terapeutica realizzata per Servier, finalista ai Digital Awards 2020 di AboutPharma

SERVIER – CHRONIC (IM)PATIENTS – Web Sketchcom for Disease Awareness campaigns

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Webserie Medicom Vicini di Colesterolo realizzata per Daiichi Sankyo e disponibile in versione mockumentary anche su Amazon Prime Video

DAIICHI SANKYO – HYPERCHOLESTERONEIGHBOURS – Sketchcom for a disease awareness campaign about hypercholesterolaemia

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Collaborazione autoriale per il programma Mediaset in onda su Rete 4 Dalla parte degli animali

ON ANIMALS’ SIDE – TV author collaboration for the pet-friendly program broadcasted on Rete 4

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Progetto di educazione ai media realizzato in collaborazione con la Pontificia Università della Santa Croce

PONTIFICIAL UNIVERSITY OF THE HOLY CROSS – Media education project through literary classics

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Il primo format tv che ho realizzato, poi diventato anche marchio e partner di molte realtà: Mukko Pallino

MUKKO PALLINO – Kid-friendly TV format broadcasted on local and national channels

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Curiosità sul benessere e le nuove tecnologie raccontati sul settimanale GRAZIA

GRAZIA – Wellness and technology columns

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Articoli per la sezione lifestyle della rivista Donna Moderna

DONNA MODERNA – Lifestyle and culture columns

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Webserie Medicom dedicata all'ipotiroidismo: "E ti dirò", realizzata per IBSA Farmaceutici

IBSA – TELL YOU WHAT… – Hypothyroidism webseries with a focus on Patient Journeys

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Webserie Medicom sull'orticaria cronica spontanea vista attraverso gli occhi di una youtuber, realizzata per Novartis e vincitrice del premio Mediastars 2019

NOVARTIS – ON SUSANNA’S SKIN – Webseries for disease awareness campaigns and patient journeys

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Webserie itinerante Medicom Tutti a Tavola per sensibilizzare alle problematiche dell'ipercolesterolemia. Realizzata per Fidia

FIDIA – TIME TO EAT – Itinerant Webseries to raise awareness about hypercholesterolaemia

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Video branded Medicom per la prevenzione nei soggetti immunodepressi e trapiantati realizzato per Biotest, in collaborazione con Nonna Rosetta di Casa Surace

BIOTEST – TIPS FOR TRANSPLANT PATIENTS – Branded video for a disease awareness campaign starring Nonna Rosetta from Casa Surace

Dario Nuzzo - Work - La "Buona Visione" diventa uno spettacolo con i trailer Medicom realizzati per Oxo Italia

OXO ITALIA – GOOD VISION – Awareness project on four vision health products

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Webserie Medicom on the road per la sensibilizzazione sul diabete con protagonisti i KOL. Realizzata per Novo Nordisk.

NOVO NORDISK – GOOD MORNING TRESIBA – On the road disease awareness webseries about diabetes with KOL engagement

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Webserie Medicom per la sensibilizzazione ai problemi del diabete realizzata in ambiente digitale per Novo Nordisk

NOVO NORDISK – LAST MINUTE – Green screen web series for disease awareness

VALPHARMA – ERBAVITA – Video corporate for brand identity

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Collaborazione con il programma Mediaset Italia 1 Wild


Dario Nuzzo - Work - Progetto di edutainment scolastico "Missione Ambiente" realizzato per BOSCH

MISSION: ENVIRONMENT BY BOSCH – School edutainment project for education to sustainability

DOGS AREA- Sitcom dedicated to four-legged friends

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Torneo calcistico Leni Cup per la sensibilizzazione al fair play in collaborazione con PGS e EG Stada

EG/PGS – LENI CUP – 11-players soccer tournament for the importance of first aid on-field

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Edizione del Cantashow del Gran Palio delle Regioni realizzata per il gruppo SAIE

SAIE GROUP – GREAT TOURNAMENT OF THE REGIONS – Communication plan for the CantaShow entertainment project

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Mukko Pallino partecipa al Mascotte Flash Mob 2014 dell'associazione FIABA Onlus

FIABA ONLUS – Mascotte Flash Mob Project for FIABA Day 2014

PLACTING – Project for family-oriented ethical communcation

S.E.C. – Active partnership with the European Culture Society

FEI – Partnership with Food Education Italy to promote healthy eating habits

Dario Nuzzo - Partnership - Progetti di ricerca su etica e media per il Gruppo di Ricerca Internazionale Family and Media

FAMILY AND MEDIA – Research partnership on the themes of family, communication and society

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Articoli su misteri e leggende scritti per il magazine del programma Mediaset Mistero

MISTERO MAGAZINE – My “Vatican Mysteries” column for the Mediaset programme’s magazine

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Scienza e storie incredibili nelle rubriche su Focus Junior

FOCUS JUNIOR – Science and technology in-depth focus columns

Dario Nuzzo - Partnership - Collaborazione con la Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi per progetti di edutainment per l'infanzia

CARLO COLLODI NATIONAL FOUNDATION – Strategic communication partnership for the Pinocchio brand

Dario Nuzzo - Partnership - Il premio "Espressione del festival" e le collaborazioni con il Giffoni Film Festival

GIFFONI – Partnership with tv specials and the Festival Expression award

FONDAZIONE POLITECNICO – Institutional communication partnership

Dario Nuzzo - Partnership - Collaborazione con le Polisportive Giovanili Salesiane per un progetto dedicato all'inclusione nello sport

PGS – POLISPORTIVE GIOVANILI SALESIANI – Partnership with a focus on sports and ethics

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Spot pubblicitari in onda su reti Mediaset

PUBLITALIA ’80 – Collaboration for adv campaigns broadcasted on Mediaset channels

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Format televisivo girato nelle scuole superiori e dedicato alla sensibilizzazione ad un uso responsabile della rete Mi Piace 1.0

LIKE 1.0 – TV format to educate about a responsible use of the web

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Campagne adv realizzate per le iniziative Cinecittà si Mostra e CineBimbiCittà promosse da Cinecittà Studios

CINECITTÀ – Adv campaigns for the Studios’ projects

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Progetto di educazione ai media realizzato nell'ambito del Linea d'Ombra Festival di Salerno Media Education Campus

MEC MEDIA EDUCATION CAMPUS – Media education event with the support of the Ministry of Education

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Laboratori Educational al Parco Monumentale di Pinocchio a Collodi (PT) in collaborazione col marchio Chupa Chups

CHUPA CHUPS – Branded entertainment campaign in collaboration with the Collodi Foundation

Dario Nuzzo - Work - I Laboratori Educational al Parco Monumentale di Pinocchio a Collodi (PT) realizzati per Pelikan

PELIKAN – Educational workshops to raise awareness about good handwriting practice in collaboration with the Italian Calligraphy Association

Dario Nuzzo - Work - I Laboratori Educational al Parco Monumentale di Pinocchio a Collodi (PT) incontrano gli Amici Cucciolotti di Pizzardi Editore

PIZZARDI EDITORE – Educational workshop to raise awareness about animal care in collaboration with ENPA

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Progetto multimediale realizzato a Collodi (PT) per il Museo Interattivo di Pinocchio

MIP – PINOCCHIO INTERACTIVE MUSEUM – Immersive and interactive edutainment project in collaboration with the Collodi Foundation

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Progetto edutainment con lo spettacolo itinerante "Occhio Pinocchio" realizzato per Bausch+Lomb

OCCHIO PINOCCHIO – Edutainment project for eyecare in collaboration with the Collodi Foundation

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Fumetto educativo sulla sicurezza stradale realizzato per il marchio Bridgestone

BRIDGESTONE – Edutainment project for road safety education

Dario Nuzzo - Work - Progetto per sensibilizzare all'educazione ai media nelle scuole realizzato per Dixan

DIXAN FOR SCHOOLS – School edutainment project for digital media education



I can’t quite recall when I started doing my job: I just can say it happened.

It was just like following a thread, which held me by the hand through many attempts, smaller and greater adventures, simple results and outstanding success.

Through the years, all this brought me to the extraordinary people I had the pleasure of meeting, from which I learned so much: artists, professionals, men and women who did something incredible.


VALUE CREATOR: From concept to shooting

Strategy | Creativity | Screenwriting | Production | Shooting | Post-production

VALUE CREATOR: From concept to shooting

I’m a freelance author and journalist specialized in the field of branded content and entertainment: telling stories is my job. .








the BEST experience

Each project’s story begins with you, which means that the first phase of any project is a moment of focus on your real needs and what you want to pass on to the end user. In this phase it’s fundamental to choose a medium and a language. With an empathetic formula, we combine information and entertainment to catch the viewers’ attention in every branded content marketing action.



So many people think they can see, but very few really observe. Many people think they’re listening, but very few really pay attention. Many people think they’re doing, but very few understand the blessing of discovery.